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Southern Historical Society Papers.

were shown in the Convention of 1787, and he then went on to say 'that those differences in 1861 culminated in blood, but not in treason.'

"If there was any 'treason' pertaining to the war it surely was not on the part of General Lee or of the South.

"Wade Hampton.

"Columbia, S. C, Nov. 12, 1900."

The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. XXIII
No. 2. April, 1915. Published Quarterly by the Virginia
Historical Society. $5.00 per Annum. Single number,

In addition to a number of valuable papers touching Virginia History, this number contains the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Virginia Historical Society, February 25, 1915, with the address of the President, Captain W. Gordon McCabe. Of especial interest in this address are the tributes paid to a number of deceased members, A. Caperton Braxton, Esq., Dr. Wm. Meade Clark, Gen. T. M. Logan and Capt. Robert E. Lee, the youngest son of General Robert E. Lee.

Annual Magazine Subject-Index—1914. A subject-index to a selected list of American and English Periodicals and Society Publications, edited by Frederick Winthrop Paxon, A. B. The Boston Book Company, Boston, 1915.

This is a well made volume of 264 pp., of great value to students and authors. It embraces references to all the matter published in our last issue. Vol. XXXIX, Southern Historical Society Papers.

The Quarterly Publication of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio—January-March. Vol. X, 1915, No. 1. Cincinnati, Ohio.