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Constitució Espanyola

1. The right to peaceful unarmed assembly is granted. The exercise of this right shall not require prior authorization.
2. In the case of meetings in public places and of demonstrations, prior notification shall be given to the authorities, who can only forbid them when there are well founded grounds to expect a breach of public order, involving danger to persons or property.

Section 22

1. The right of association is granted.
2. Associations which pursue ends or use means legally defined as criminal offences are illegal.
3. Associations set up on the basis of this section must be entered in a register for the sole purpose of public knowledge.
4. Associations may only be dissolved or have their activities suspended by virtue of a court order stating the reasons for it.
5. Secret and paramilitary associations are prohibited.

Section 23

1. Citizens have the right to participate in public affairs, directly or through representatives freely elected in periodic elections by universal suffrage.
2. They also have the right to accede under conditions of equality to public functions and positions, in accordance with the requirements laid down by the law.

Section 24

1. All persons have the right to obtain effective protection from the judges and the courts in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests, and in no case may there be a lack of defense.
2. Likewise, all have the right to the ordinary judge predetermined by law; to defense and assistance by a lawyer; to be informed of the charges brought against them; to a public trial without undue delays and with full guarantees; to the use of evidence appropriate to their defense; not to make self incriminating statements; not to plead themselves guilty; and to be presumed innocent.
The law shall specify the cases in which, for reasons of family relationship or professional secrecy, it shall not be compulsory to make statements regarding allegedly criminal offences.

Section 25

1. No one may be convicted or sentenced for actions or omissions which when committed did not constitute a criminal offence, misdemeanour or administrative offence under the law then in force.
2.Les penes privatives de llibertat i les mesures de seguretat restaran orientades vers la reeducació i la reinserció social i no podran consistir en treballs forçats. El condemnat que estigués complint pena de presó gaudirà dels drets fonamentals d'aquest Capítol, llevat d'aquells que es trobin limitats expressament pel contingut del veredicte condemnatori, pel sentit de la pena i per la llei penitenciària. En qualsevol cas, tindrà dret a un treball remunerat, als beneficis corresponents de la Seguretat Social, i a l'accés a la cultura i al desenvolupament integral de la personalitat.
3. The Civil Administration may not impose penalties which directly of indirectly imply deprivation of freedom.

Section 26

Courts of Honour are prohibited within the framework of the Civil Administration and of professional organizations.

Section 27

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