Page:Sparrow, the tramp (IA sparrowtramp00wess).pdf/123

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"Gone!" exclaimed Mrs. Polly, "gone where?"

"I wish I knew," answered the sparrow shortly.

"Explain yourself, please," said Mrs. Polly; "it's all Greek to me."

"Well, I went to bed last night in good season, so as to be up early this morning and start before anybody was stirring. Well, when I woke and was just going to start, no ribbon was to be found."

"Careless fellow!" said Mrs. Polly, rubbing her nose with vexation; "why couldn't you put it where it would be safe?"

"I did. I looked at it the last thing before I went to sleep."

"It probably blew away."

"It couldn't blow away; it was in the bottom of the nest, and besides I've hunted everywhere and it's not to be found."

"Then there's only one way to account for it," said Mrs. Polly, with a decided nod.