Page:Sparrow, the tramp (IA sparrowtramp00wess).pdf/125

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"is to examine carefully the premises. Look on the ground for footprints, and then closely examine the pillar that leads up to the nest, to see if the thieves came that way."

"Why, what other way could they come, pray?"

"They could fly, couldn't they?"

The sparrow looked rather ashamed of his slowness of comprehension and made no reply; but then he wasn't expected to be as shrewd as Mrs. Polly with her many years of experience.

"The sooner you begin the better," said Mrs. Polly; "and come back and report to me when you are through."

The sparrow flew off and lighted on the ground under the nest. A flower-bed stood there, and he made a careful examination. Not a leaf was out of place that he could see, and not a plant disturbed in any way.

Then he pushed the branches carefully aside and examined the ground.