Page:Sparrow, the tramp (IA sparrowtramp00wess).pdf/207

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returned from a hunting expedition of her own, followed too, and jumped on the window-sill of the kitchen that she might see what went on without being driven away by the house-cat or Hannah.

The little gray kitten was soon drinking her saucer of milk contentedly, while the children stood around as happy as she herself was; but not one of them was more gratified than the barn-cat, who was so fond of her little protégé.

"Why, where has my necklace gone," said Posy suddenly, putting her hand up to her neck,—"my pretty amber necklace that Uncle Tom gave me?"

"You must have dropped it in the barn while we were playing," said Nancy; "I'll run back and look."

After a few minutes Nancy came back, walking slowly and with a disappointed expression on her face. "I've looked everywhere," she said, "but I can't find it."