Page:Sparrow, the tramp (IA sparrowtramp00wess).pdf/235

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in his mouth, came softly out of his hole and looked cautiously around to see if the barn-cat were in sight. Not a sound was to be heard, and he crept slyly along till he came to a hole in the corner of the barn farthest from the barn-cat's nest; for he didn't dare trust the private entrance any more, and had made this new exit with the help of some of the younger rats.

When he found himself out of doors he looked anxiously about. Yes, there was Mrs. Silverskin, just where she had agreed to be; and he went towards her.

"Here is the thimble, and mind you don't lose it!" he said, as he dropped it noiselessly on the ground in front of the little mouse. "Be sure you put it among Nancy's things, where Hannah will be likely to see it."

"I will do my best," said Mrs. Silverskin softly.

"You are quite sure you understand the way through the shed?" asked Graywhisker.