Page:Sparrow, the tramp (IA sparrowtramp00wess).pdf/242

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with, do you suppose?" said Nancy, as the children came in from the garden to breakfast; "they are rolling something that shines;" and they ran up to examine it more closely.

"It is Hannah's silver thimble, I do believe!" exclaimed Tom, as he picked up the shining plaything.

"Oh, I'm so glad!" cried Nancy joyfully; "now she won't think I stole it."

"I shall show it to her right off this very minute," said Posy, snatching the thimble out of Tom's hand and running into the kitchen with it in a very earnest manner.

"Hannah," she said, holding up the thimble, "here is your silver thimble,—the house-kittens had it to play with, and Nancy didn't steal it, there now!"

Hannah put the thimble in her pocket without a word; but this didn't satisfy Posy, who liked to see justice done, and