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when the time comes if you'll run off now, for Mamma has something to say to me."

So off ran Posy for the handkerchief and fan, and when they were alone again Mrs. Winton continued:—

"As I was telling you, you don't know how unhappy I feel about Nancy. Hannah insists that she took Posy's necklace—"

"Rats!" called out Polly in a loud tone, "rats!"

"Be quiet, Polly," said Mrs. Winton.—"I don't think it right to suspect the child without proof; but I must say that it looks very suspicious, and then, too, when Posy missed the necklace she offered to run back to the barn and look for it; but she felt so badly when Hannah accused her, that I pitied her and didn't believe she could have taken it."

"Rats!" called Polly again.

"She doesn't look like a dishonest child," said Mr. Winton; "but the poor thing has