Page:Sparrow, the tramp (IA sparrowtramp00wess).pdf/261

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did you?" he said to the bright-eyed sparrow who lit beside him.

"I do believe those sparrows have come to see the rat too," said Nancy.

Major, also, had turned around in his box-stall and faced the little group assembled around the dead rat, and appeared to take great interest in the event.

"Now, the only thing left to do is to tear up those boards and bring the old fellow's nest to light," neighed Major.

"I guess Major is saying he's glad the old rat won't be able to steal any more of his oats, don't you, Tom?" said Posy, going up to the gentle horse and stroking his soft nose.

"It's more likely he's after asking yees for the apples ye have in the hands of yees," answered Michael.

Major gave him as scornful a look as his mild eyes were capable of giving, and then rubbed his nose affectionately against the