Page:Sparrow, the tramp (IA sparrowtramp00wess).pdf/265

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and looked into what had once been Graywhisker's home.

"It was right there, under that old rag," cried Tom; "I saw it first."

"What is that little thing shining there?" asked Mrs. Winton, pointing to a bright spot.

Michael picked it up and handed it to her.

"Why, it must be the padlock to the barn-cat's collar!" exclaimed Mrs. Winton. "What a thief the old fellow was! I know now where the sugar and raisins must have gone. Tell Hannah to come here a minute, Tom."

Tom was off like a shot and soon returned, bringing Hannah, who looked greatly astonished at the unusual message.

"Hannah," said Mrs. Winton, holding up the amber necklace, "Posy's necklace has been found in this old rat-hole, and also what is left of the barn-cat's collar. You