Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/10

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Tile CHAIR~AN.Inconnection with this organization or this nlcllt ? C:iptain GWZIER.Notl~ingexcept in tliis News Letter p~~ublishes. The Crr~rnaran.That is all, captain ;thank you. We will liear General Butler. 8 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER P3OPAOANDA il The CHAX~MAK. Did he sa anythi about what the form ef 'm Government would be when Aey took$t e Government overt Captain GLAZIER.Strictly a di~tatorsl~ip-absolufely. l%& ference was very plain. 'I'lic C~AIPKAN.Did he say drat? Captain GLAZIER.Yes; lie made the statement. The CHAIRBCAN.What did he say in connection with UlatO Ca tain Guzr%n. He said that there ou ht to be one man roulI run the count and he would be the fedof the orpiu The Carnr~~. z&ould be the head of the organiut~m! Captain G~dzrlcn.Yes. The CIIAIRXAN.Did he tell you who was the head of the izntisn ? Captain GLAZII~I~.Yes; he was the man. The C~AIRMAR.He said he was the mail? Captain GLAZIER.Yes. He was doing all of this. Tllc C~AIRMAN.Did Be say anything about having an oh whiw olitoide of New York? Cy~laitlGLAZI~.Yes. IJe said that ha had men all U~hitedStates, and particularly I saw on this News htkr in Cininciunati. TESTIMONY OF XAJ. GEH. 8. D. BUTLEB (BET-) (The witness was duly sworn by the chairmm.) l'l~ Crr~nnr~x.General, you are a retimd CoinMjbot (talk)nndant Muri 11e Corp9 C?eneral 13vfim. No; I was never Commandant. The CIIAIRMAN.YOUwere in the Arm how long? General BUT-. I was in the Marine 8orp 88 yeus ad1 on the active list. Tllc CIIAIRBIAN.ASI remember, you are a Cong HOIKW111~11;received the Congressional Medal occasiollsB Gejieral Buit~la.Yes. The CIIAI~MAN.General, you know what the purpose of your 1lei.o is toclay? f lcncral 13v'rrm. Yes. 'l%c CIIA~RAIAN. Without my asking you an ' " you j~i&go ahead and tell in your own way I an nttci~i)ted Fascist movement in this country? 'l "


Geilern BU~ER.May I preface my remarks by saying, rir, " ilavc oue iilterest in all of this, and that is to try to do my t sec Ilirt H cIeinocrucy is lnaintoincd in this countryt IhcOI~AII~S~AN. Nobly who lrrrs either read ahtor known I3ntlcr would have a~lytllingbut that undedmdiw. Crcncrtil Brnr.~x.It is nice of you to my tllbt, sir. But t11aL is nly only inhrest. C 1; IBVESTZGATIOX OF NAZI AHD OTHEB PBOPM3AXDA 9 Ic 'hid 1hi probably bda kmk md give you Ib hrckgMjbot (talk) 18:04, 4 June 2009 (UTC)nd. hoa been goiag on for a BIX and. hdf. Aisng-I think it U have been about the 1st olJUA~ lW8, two mem te a m. &ere was a tsbldkone mesoslfe from W*' C !did Mt know well. His 1st name W? ?-d. He ama manan man Leaionusil-e, but I annot mnemb hu l& nam+cannot if eow-.ccuz~teIy. Ariyhow he asked me if I would &ve 2 m1die~9veter- '" ca1~et.Iorr it* that afterlwn. I said I would. -- rro'rtt 5 hmrs later o Packnd limousille came up into my yard and got out. This lidmwas dlivbn by a ehauFeur: They into the houe and introduced ~~dvea. One aud BM nnm Dojle, who wm then the department cornmurder of the IW in biaosachu~tts. The &er mid hip name warr Jerry Gaire. m CXAIPYAX.Where did Mduirecorns fm? pnerol33vmm~BdacGuire mid ha hdl bccll State cornozoador the befm of the departaoent of Ckmmchut and wrs haliving in mcbkut. Doyle was living in MI.PPech- nbCHA~AX.HdYOU met eitlwr of them mea bfote? haerd BmuNever had ss0 them bfom m I -1tLr. I hk bare doae so; bu& as for oo my imp-ion them W-, th07 were -- ,by aaked me tQ go to the convention, &ndf arid I did not. want Bgw#at I hdno( ban invited ddid not care mything rhk M.bsn MPd3uil.e said that he wes the chairman of the Mjbot (talk)- 3 emwittee of the American,on Louis Johwm e ebb; L fmiu John~mhad, at MPcGtwre's suggestion, put m mume ,a to be invited as P distinguthdd gum4 of & &icego &-tioa 'tholrgt~tI amelled a rat, right sway--that thby we& trying b oe mad--to t my goat. I srSd noLhing. J ~d, Empmarrt.tbe p~io.o~xw,and rewant p to to this eanvmtion." Ibymid, UWe wmt p to oamrs thare I stampede the convmtisn in qwcb .ad hdp as ia our dghd timldge the royal family." 'h CIIAIIIYAN.When you sa you smelled r rat, you mean you T , m idea that they we= not te liag the truth? ' lwtcral ISmam. f could not reconcile and from the re beginning W rrorw rMe to reconcile their d4aire to serve tlm 3inary men rrub, with tlreir other rime. ntey did not to be She . 'It Itx)ketl to NW us if they were trying to embarrass the