Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/15

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18 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PBOPAQANDA B cannot kee this racket up much longer. Re has got to do about it. &e eihr t to get more money out of us M got to change the me~l~f financing the GQV--6, and re86 going to see to it thnt he doas not change that method. I3[s will DC$ change it.


I &id, 'l'l~eiLa of Lis giopt group of soldion, then, ir to of him, is it?" "No, no, no; not to frighten him. This is to sustain him rnl~ui &hers assault him." --- ---- I said, "Well, I do not know about that. How would the dent explain it?" He said: "He will not ncardly have to explain it, beam are 4oing to help him ouf. Now, did it ever occur to you tbrt Ulc Pmi(?erltis overworked? We mi ht have an Assihnt Pdlent, mmnebdy to bike the Mum; mcl i tllings do not work out, ha c(p dmn him." Pi ~e w&t on to say that it did not take an conetitatimal rbr to authorize anotl,er Cabinet ofRcial, md&iy to take over t details of the o~e~ke thein off the President's shouldan. Jlr jnentiood that the position would be a secretary of general a%uw a sort of a mperscretarr. l'he CHAIRMAN.A &retary of general affairs? General BUTLER.That is the hnn used by him-+ a asnluy of general welfare--I cannot mall which. I came out of the intmier with that name in my head. 1 got that ides frm talking to both of them, you see. They had both talked about the ~lnekkd of rdief that ought to be iven the President, and ha rid: U You how, the dnlarican people n51swallow that. We have gd the new We will stnrt a campaign that the President's health is%%: Ever body can tell thrt by looking at him, and the dumb Mun i peop o will fall for it in a second. And I could sea it. They had that sympathy rack+, thnt he, were goin to have mebody take the patronn e off of hle ~houMcn 4 and take a 1 the worriw and details ob of his P oulders, and i)u he f will be like the Presidenk of France. I said, 'L So that L wha).m got this idea? "

Ha said: I have been travelinp around-looking around. Ybr,

nlo~~ttllis supror~anintion-wo~~ldyou h interested in it?" t I said, I aul inte-d in it, htI do not know abot~theahadiy it I aul very greatly inhrded in it, because you know, Jerrr ir terest is, my ane h& is, maintaining a de~nacra . you these 500,000 soldierss‘lvocatin anything eaellin o PueLn, l oa cy oing to got ~t,100,00001v2and Bck t11e ilcll out of jou, md n wiU fare a m1war right at horn You know that.', "Oh, no. We do not want thnt. We want to rase up kihc President." He is going to ease up on him. " l7ths; a11d the11 yo11 wilt put milebody h them JOY can that thc ideul The Preeident will go amand and christen and tlctlirrte bridges, a1~1kkchildrr?~~.Mr. Ihveltwill - agree to thak himself." 66 011, y~s;Ile will. Iic will agree to that." 1' INVESTIGATION OF N.4ZI AND OTHER PEOPAGAVDA EI~ rny tl pnvo rll ri I IIc 11, I do nol believe h8 will." I slid, "Don't you know that will catmoney, what you are talking about? " tW, Yes; we have got @,OOO,(m to artwith, W the her re can get ~~,000,000,if we need it." rho is going to put all this moo~layup? " Veil," he said, " YOU (:lark tell 011 lm wats \rillhg to put i5700,000to save the other $15,000,dn [QWare .ou oing to care for all thw men? " I aid, ~kdfthe Government will not give hgof that kind, but rerill give it to ~tes$10 a month and destitntc captains $35. we will grt them the I dent said heall it, 81 Secr m$(0 S; uld H Hoi that &l1 bet mdmnt doI fell 'Yc isB E fftto 1 to1 f allJ IIK 1111) mnknc P81 fel WO f; Ill( 101 ,#l&." t will cost you .l& of money to do that." I mid, "% wit1 only have to do that for s year, and then wing will be all right a sin." ,W, I cannot ma11 uhicf one of these felLoas told me about ub of somssicui, abod UN SecPetary of State hemming P&- when Utr Vice Pmident is eliminated. There was mmethieg in ale of the runvel.stiulv that T lud, that the PresidenH H ww W, and he might ht~iga,and thu Garner Sdnot want nyhow, mod then this superecretmry would take the place of the utnry of State and in the order of sudonwould became id.&. That was the idea. He rid that they had this money d M it, and he wanted to know sin if I wo11ld hud it, Rid,U No; I was intsr&d in it, bo% noold not head it.', a aa~d'Whea I was in Pmh, my hadquartem were Mor . beWad a meeting over them. 1 might u well ta l you fana .rrgroup is for you, for tha head of &is orgrnizetion. M0rg.n kdgs am against you. The Morgm intedsay hatymcans Nltd that you will be too radical, and a, forth, that you are tw I ud,*No;I was interest& in it, bnt I would nd head it.' . h m the side of the little fellow; you cannot be truptal. They d rant you. But our group tells them that yoa are the only p, in America who can get the mldien tapether. Tb,ey say, m, M he will @ them together and go in the nmng way. Wat rkrt Uie sly if you take cllarge of them?' b ha is t me, saying, I ain going down to Mimi and 1 will 7 in lwch with you after the convention is over, and we are going uke .fight down tl~crefor the gold standard, and we are ping mganira?' b shoa then, in talking to Pan1 Fmnh here-I had not rid ling about this other thing, it did nok make any difference .( Mdling with the gold standad resolution, but th~slooked to as tlmigh it mi bt b gettin near, thsti they were (ping to stir M of them nlk;eIYi up to Rurt our Gorsraraaot. I did and n anything about this commitbe, m I told Paul to let his news- see what they could find out about the backgound of these rs. I felt that it was jnet a racket, that theae fellows were rkiqone ~notlleradpettang money out of the rich oiling them ld lwlrb T h~veh in 762 Pfler~nttarns 1n the f~nitedSlnb years and l n~outh.and I made 1,022 speeches. I have alw- My ao si(m of mything showing n trend for n change of oilr n of Gover~lrneat. So it 1111siaver appealed to ine at all. But