Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/18

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INVESTIQATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAQANDb -1 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PBOPAQANDt- 25 The CHAIBMAN.You know Bill Doyle, do you not? Mr. MA~GUIRE.Yes. The CHAXBMAX.Do you know General ButlerO Mr. MacGmm. I do. The C~IR~~AN. Did you and Bill Doyle go 60 see General Brltk &fr.MA&UIRE.July of 1933P Tl~eCIIAI~~B~AN. YW. &$I'. M~&~RE.Why, Mr. Chairman, to my recollection it wa May of 1933;either April or May. The CIIAIRMAN.All right; sometime in 1933. Mr. MACGUXRE.Yes. 'rhe a~r~ralr~w. who sent you there? Mr. MACGUIRE.I went1 did not o directly. I wm in H delphia. Doyle was with me in Phi adelphia on busi called General Butler up and asked llim if we could see him. said yes and we drove out to see him. Tla ~HAIBMAN.Was it you, Mr. M~~Ouire,who called him Mr. MACQUIRE.Yes. The C~~IRUAN. Had you ever met the G;eneral before that eve that was brougl~tup. I &fr.MA&=. I had met him; yes. I do not how just al; that there was a $od but at some veterans' gathering, somewhere around New Yor is caliber and leadership couple of years previous to that. e was a delegate to the q'lle CIIAIRYAN.That was purely incidentalo get him to run and be Mr. M~cGurn~.Yes. And at that time, when I met Gen as I fold him- Tile CHAIRMAN.The time you met him previous to arc in uirin about, you met just like fellows will meet one '?lb &fr. <A mRE. Yes. That particular time I brou ht u that a lot of people had been talking about him, anf1d explain the story of the Williams case out on the coast, did, to me. Tile CIIA~IXAN.That is the first time you met him? Mr. MAcG~E.Yes. The CHAIRMAN.We need not go into that. You say you l~honeillliln from Philadelphia? Mr. WACQUIRE. Yes. The CHAIRMAN.Did anyone else telephone him ? &fr.MACGUIRE.From Philadelphia? The CI~AIRMAN.From Washington. Do you know of anyone ~llollillghim from Washington as a result of wllich you and Doyle went out to see him? Mr. MACGUIRE.It seems to me that along 2 or 3 months aft we were in Washington and I believe from fie Mayflower HO called his place. '!'It(: ~rr~lrenrn~.In any event, tho first time you went ouf wtls some time in May or June of 19Mt air. ~~ACGUIFIE. That is right. Tile CHAI-N. And you and Bill Doyle went out to we him1 Mr. MACUUIRE.Yes, sir. Tll@CHAIRMAN.When you called up, did you tell him -c~.]lo wcro? Mr. MA&UIRE. Yes. C~AIRMAN.And you asked him if he would meet you!