Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/8

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LHVESTIQATIOlrV OF NAZI AND OTHEB PBQPAWDA toe that he produced rpproxi~~iately$75,01X) more, which MacGuire rel~~tcllltlyadmitted m bein confronted with the evidence. f 'l'his $7'16,000 is shown in t e @6,0that went into the Moxlufac- tun1.u' Trust account, $10,000 in currency at the timcheon, the pur- ehae of letbrr of credit tohlin $30,300, of which Chridruro' mrti- iicd dtwk wae rel>resentnlas erp- to ~u1-g. daps to $8 1XW. 'I'lbie dill stands unoxpluined. whettler tltere was more udhow u~ucb,the cornrnittee does no& yet kmw. The colnn~itteeis awaiting the return to this country of biAh Mr. Clark ui~dMr. Christmms. As the evidence stands, it calls for an I exnlrnmtioil that the ccm~mitteohas been unable k, hainfrma Mr. I