Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/20

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INVESTIGATIOS OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA IS Answer. No; she came over after I had been there 5 W& d] came back with me. i Mr. DICKSTEIN: 7 Qnestion. In making examination of the market conditions ir Eeropo, did you lnahc me~ilorandlm~qor did you get copies of their daily sheets ? Answer. Yes. Question. At that time? Answer. I made a full surve of the entire situation. I Qi~cstion.Did you make t ]at report to Mr. Clark or to Yi. Cllristsnus! 4 Answer. Yes. Question. Did you make that in writing! Answer. Yes. Question. You made that in writing? Answer. Yes. Question. Who has that memorandum? Answer. I llavs the memorandum. Question. Has Mr. Clark got it P , Answer. The letters? Question. No. The report of your survey. Answer. I have copies of the letters that I sent to Mr. Clark. 9 Q~iestion.I did not nsk you that. I said did you make the report to Mr. Cl~ristmasor to Mr. Clnrk of what ou found, any writte complete re ort, or any report to them at a11 Answer. $es Question. ~f;en,that should be in their files? Answer. I made it at various times and places, and wrote leth Qlicstion. I didn't ask you about letters. Did you, when you W turned back to the United States, make r coniplete report of ybur survey in writing to Mr. Clark and Mr. Christmas? Answer. ?men I returned back to the United States I did maka r complete report in writing; while I was over there I wrote from Paris, and I wrote from.London, and I wrote from Dublin. Question. Have you got copies of those letters? Answer. I believe I have. Quest ion. Will you produce those tomorrow ? Answer. I will be very glad to. By the CHAIRIUA~: Question. Did you tell him that you were going to campaign fs him to be co~nnlanderof the Legion? Answer. Oh, yes; individually. &ecst.ion. JVl~endid you tell him tllilt? Answer. I cannot recall, but a short time ago, a short time befm the convention. Question. And did you tell 11im that you would get in touch him clftelgthe coi~vcnt.ion,nnd thnt they nrc going to ~ilriker for tllu goltl stnndnrd, and tllrt they arc going to organize in fa-* of tllc fioltl stondurd? Answer. In Min~nif -.. --. Q~vstion.'l'hat T mill get in to~icliwith you after tqlie or a short time after that? INVESTIQATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA 87' Answer. No, sir. I mentioned nothing to him about meeting after bc convention was over at all, and as a matter of fact the particular Clae that I met General Butler before tlie Miami convention I was mr there on a will case. Question. That was the Lime that you bid him tlist you were ping down to Miami to fight for the gold Nndard! Answer. No, sir; the mason that I would not so that is that the on of the gold standard is all settled, the resident has put d ealueof it rt v9.M and there is no sense in going through all hat anain. because we have a standard dollar-right now, but the w'Mjbot (talk)Y of the pco le do not seem to recognize it. Ltion. I sin J. asked the quwkion! f L~wer.I nirnpf wanted to inject that, if you don't '~niiod. Could Irrm&l1ing? &ay I ask you r qm8t1on off the recordl - Discussion 6ff the Wrd.)

Ibt this point quest~oonswere asked involving certain namea which

nre afterwards stricken from the record.) ' The CIZAIRHAN.Do you want to inject names into the record? I LLed him did be talk to anybody else, and he said, No." Mr. DICK~IN.I tliought that that might be called directly to his r#ention. - ..I ' By the CHAIRYAW: . Question. Did you aak an body at all to go to the convention, or Answer. &o, sir r make a S oech in favor o the gold-standard rdution! ! {\Vhereu on thi committee adjourned to Thursday, Nov. 22,1934, 11 10 a. r0.p f (Mr. MacQuire isto return on Friday, Nov. 23,1934.) ,l;