Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/24

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94 IRVESTIOATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PnOPACUlDA 1( The CIIAIRMAX.And does your record sliow whether he &a' it with cad1 or by check? 4 bfr. Aunlrww. The record siinply shows that he paid us tlic amount. My lwllwtion is thut he paid us currency. 'I'lic Clnl~alrr~.Ourre~xy? nrr. kuoow. YM. i The CIIAIR~~AN. Do you remember what kind of currency8 Wul it bills? 4 Mr. ADAYSON.Yes. 191e Cir~r~arn~. What kind? Mr. Aurazsro~.It was four $1,000 bills. The CIIAI~MAN.Four $1,000 bills, Mr. Adamson? hrs. AI)A?+~wN. Yes. 'l'lle Clraruar~x.Four $1,000 bills. Now, when does the record show that that letter of credit obtained 1 Mr. A~nlrso~.It was obtained on the %d. The CIIIIYJEIN.And when was it casl~d? Mr. ADAAC~N. It was cashed on September 29, for the f at the First Nationnl Bank of Chicago. The CI~AXNHAN. Yes. Now, on this letter of credit obtai the 234 did you have anytliin personally to do wi f Mr. AI)AX&N.Yes; I rtctutl ly issued it and clelive Muc(;uire. The CI~AIRUAN.Wllnt were the circutnstunces, Mr. you ren~mber? Mr. APAXWN.Well, there were no a xcial circu MacGuire had been introduced to the bonl, I understand, aim ly asked by one of the vice presidents to issue thi crecl' it in his favor. The CHAIRMAN.What vice president? Mr. ADAXSOH.Mr. J. K. Olyphant. The CHAIRMAN.Did you issue that letter of credit to Mr. Gaire personally? Mr. ADAXSON.Yes. The CHAIEMAN.Now, your remrds show a letter af credit to Mr. MacGnire on Ule same dry for $9,800 at the rnai Mr. Ai)~xso~.I do. cash. You two letters of credit for $18,OM, do jr(i I'he CHAIRMAN.Can you tell us definitely whether or nu( Maduire give cm11 for tbow two lettern of credit totaling $1 Mr. AOAXSON.As I said before, there is no reoord to hew. Tlic CJ~AIR~N. I3o you rememhr? Mr. hl~dn~)~. TOthe k%k of my recollection, he paid nia $l,OOO bills. The CHAI~XAN.In other words, were thw two letterm of obtuinecl on the sanie date Be paid you thirteen $1,Wbillal Mr. ADAXBON.Yes. t INVESTIGATION OT NAZI AND OTHER PROPAOAHDA Q6I Cg~11:uamr.Do you rerneraber how he paid .for the premium- o?! check? ADAYRON. . - T1mt would be crh, tdo. ~vhthipgwas cuh. I rcls s\!ow that was with- 9 for tha fall'emouat mt thFirrt CHA~~YAX. Iseued at the main od&t Ao~xeow.Yes. CHAIBXAN.And your redshows it was qnrrntesd by And what doea it Charge dnfbto ocrah t .holmox. It jus4 hwa&at he wid us d instead of being- The hrnxr~.How did he pry for &be$16 WO letter of credit? 1 . Yr. AD AM^. well, &g to luj record, gave - 'b Cknra~axi.Grw you what? 4 Mr. humsr. He prve me a cdihad check of Mr. A. W. Christ- I on eiklmr the ~i&Ghaormty at Trust or the Lawyers TiUe; I the omp0rut.e title of the l&. lh CISAIRMAH.Do yo~know where Mr. Chrhtmm depoeite! Mr. ADAYWH.WO. nlr CIIAZPYAI~.And am it a certWcheck9 Mr. ADAMSOX.Yes. ECuxincna. Of Mr. Christmas'? fk?check. Thot in a11 I know. ler'a letter of credit in Are there ziotntions on this ktter of yours?