Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/9

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.,4 INVBSTICTATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAQARDA and after 1 had returned from Clricago ancl llad given baclc to >fr. Christmas, Mr. Clark then nltlde ollt three $10, Payable to the Committee for the Sound Doll:lr, and it wa tc committee's account. This money, ill my records h ]lot for tllnt specific purpose. (hl(*lioll- So Llltlt lllc boolts of Cllristlirns, or Clark, sl solllc t.illle in October, or witllin 2 weeks after yen returned f colll-elltion,tllat $30,000 was given to them, or that a check made out payable to the order of Christmas, or p8 able h.Clr 7 l~llicllcvc~it \\.as. That item slloultl be s]lowll solllew lcrof Ails~~vcr.I believe so. Exnniination by MP.DICKMjbot (talk) 18:11, 4 June 2009 (UTC)

Q'lestioll- Have you got the books of the Sound Dollar Comrllj here ? Answer. Yes. Question. Will you let me loolr at them? Allswer. Surely. Illey are all here [indicating]. With the bilclc to York, the object thar mras to f0l.m a souIld-dolla 1llittW,and, ~Is~uc~ as tile Legion had gone on record for nlolleY at the Chicago convention, it was thought then that, i be a very good itlea to establish this committee, to get out and to tile l)eo~)lc,and take it up with the Legion, and later on, wi~l Ameri~1lnFeclcrntion of I~bor,and to take a stalld on th dollar polic~7. Qll('st.iol1. Now, you Ilud tlio~~sandsof dol1al.s in cash for the l'()sc of buying, as you call it, lettars of credit, and was bo at tire san~ebnnk, wasn't it? Answer. Yes ; I believe so. Question. mywas it necessary to try to casll or to get a let of credit from a bank where you got the casll from? flnslyel.. For the silnple reason that the Celltral Hanovel. illtilll;ltcly collll~ctedwith tlre First National of Cllieago, ]\'as tllo bank that I wanted to do business tllrollgh. (Mjbot (talk)ti011. The point that 1 ask you is entirely different; \~ante(l1cttel.s of credit when you had thirty tllousand tllollsand dollars in the ~kanoverNational ]3anlc. Answot-. No; in the hianiifncturers. Qil(bstion. 011 tllc Blunufacturers you drew. lromlnllch draw ? Answel'. Can I Say this off the record, if yo11 don't mind? not milt to ~nnlrean mistaken hlr. U~CI~STEIH.have got me all puzzlccl your Izeeping. ' 'I'll(' \~'llrMjbot (talk). I cl0 not want to bring ill ullyllling thnt cgn, q~~estiolledhere. (I~iscnssionoff tlie record.) 139 nrr. DICIZSTEIN: Quc1?iio1l-Now, YOII kacw 7011~~1.e gojllg to tllis convmtion, !.()l1 trlc(l 10 $!('L 111~COI~\'PII~IOI~10 :1(101)t ill itS l>lnifOrllltile uo dollar. 'i'll;lt \\.;IS in yonr mintl, \vasll't it? Allswer. 1 (tlllicd ~vitll11-obably200 pcol)lc 011~tllcrt?al)ollt L (?ls~tioll-I clid not as you tlrat, I llle~lyasked yell that 1~11si11 yollr nlilld.