Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/107

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Carl Schurz

men who are determined that this thing must be voted down, it would be voted down. Give Wilson no rest until he has written the letter and see to it that it be a strong one. No milk and water! Let nothing be done by halves.

Next Tuesday I intend to be at Milwaukee. If you should receive any letters for me, please send them to that place. And, believe me, I shall be always very happy to hear from you. I am sorry that we have not more opportunities to work side by side. But who knows?

Attend to Wilson, and get that letter out of him as soon as possible. Give him no rest.


Milwaukee, April 30, 1859.

I arrived here safely and in good condition a few days ago, and found that while I was gone and the Know-Nothing papers of Massachusetts abused me for having worked against the two-year amendment, the Democratic papers of Wisconsin abused me to their hearts content for having associated with the Know-Nothings of Massachusetts. While I am censured there for having meddled with your local concerns, I am censured here for not having done so, and Democracy is found in fraternal embrace with Know-Nothingism. This is exhilarating and I think I am at the present moment one of the best abused men in the country. The Republican papers, of course, stand by me most vigorously, and so I find it not very difficult to weather the storm. I have written out my Worcester speech almost literally as I delivered it, and it will appear in a Milwaukee paper next Monday. I will send you a copy. The report of the Worcester Spy is very defective; perhaps you can use my own report there. You would do me a favor by