Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/22

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Editor's Preface

best suited to bring out the intended meaning, and to slips of different kinds which have no special significance and may perhaps have been due to a careless copyist or printer long ago in regard to these things only such liberties have been taken as the most conservative usage demands, for the sake of uniformity and to produce the desired effect.[1]

To the resolution not to depart from the rule of general thanks, one exception must be made. Dr. Herbert Putnam's intelligent and generous aid to students and scholars has made the Library of Congress the most attractive place in the world to persons engaged in literary or scientific work. The large resources of the Library have greatly facilitated the present task.

Frederic Bancroft. 

Washington, D. C., January, 1913.

  1. See p. 211 n., post., for more on this point and about special exceptions.