Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/27

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Contents of Volume I
To Mrs. Schurz, December 24th, 27th 177
Republican party strengthened by Lincoln's firmness—War inevitable—Speech for a Representative—Offer from Atlantic Monthly.
To Mrs. Schurz, February 10th, March 4th 179
Hears Lincoln's inaugural—Positions for friends—Precautions at inauguration.
To President Lincoln, May 19th 180
Authority sought for organizing German troops.
From President Lincoln, May 27th 182
Directions for German regiments.
To Adolph Meyer, July 3d 182
Buying court-clothes in Paris.
To N. B. Judd, August 27th 183
Does amnesty to political offenders of '49 apply to Schurz?
To Secretary Seward, September 14th 185
Suggestions for securing the sympathy of foreign Powers by means of an anti-slavery policy.
From Secretary Seward, October 10th 191
War measures must not be influenced by questions of foreign policy.
To President Lincoln, November 11th 193
Spain's changed attitude towards the United States—Leave of absence or resignation.
To Charles Sumner, November 14th 195
Immediate emancipation imperative as a war measure—Spain's friendly attitude.
To Secretary Seward, November 16th 200
General Prim and his mission to Mexico.
To President Lincoln, May 16th 206
Hunter's emancipation proclamation—War measures subject to change because of circumstances.