Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/29

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Contents of Volume I
To Mrs. Schurz, April 18th 252
Assassination of Lincoln—Sherman as mediator between North and South.
To Charles Sumner, May 9th 254
Efforts to restore political status to Mississippi, Georgia and North Carolina—Johnson's policy unsatisfactory.
To President Johnson, May 13th 256
Advises against secret trial of conspirators against Lincoln and his Cabinet.
To Charles Sumner, June 5th 258
President Johnson and his Southern advisers—Wendell Phillips favors repudiation—Contemplated journalistic enterprise—Agent needed for lecturing tour.
To President Johnson, June 6th 260
Vote on the restoration of South Carolina—Democratic and logical method—Letters on reconstruction.
From Charles Sumner, June 15th 263
Inconsistencies of President Johnson's reconstruction policy.
To Mrs. Schurz, June 16th 264
Sent to visit the Southern States and report on existing conditions—Mission approved by Stanton.
From Charles Sumner, June 22d 265
Johnson's policy a “defiance to God and Truth.”
To Charles Sumner, June 27th 265
Preparations for journey through the South.
To Charles Sumner, July 3d 266
Southern State-elections best delayed until after the meeting of Congress.
From Charles Sumner, July 11th 267
“Equality before the law and consent of the governed.”
To Charles Sumner, August 2d 267
Military rule alone can prevent clash between whites and blacks—Authorship of articles in the Advertiser, a secret.