Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/63

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Carl Schurz

forcing even one of these laws? Of all those offenders who were arrested for the violation of these laws, only a few were sentenced, and of all that were sentenced none were punished according to this code. Those laws were stillborn. You say: “The victory of the slavery party in the election of Buchanan has, indeed, brought America to the very same level as continental Europe.” Oddly enough, this victory is due principally to recent European immigrants. Apart from this, I have no more ardent wish than that you might for a few months see our political life with your own eyes. Never has the anti-slavery agitation been carried on with less disturbance and more earnestness; any attempt to put the slightest check upon the freedom of the press would be greeted with derisive laughter. Even in the South the radicals carry their heads high and show greater boldness than ever before. Never has the work in Kansas, in favor of the free-State cause, been more effective, and never were the chances for success so favorable. The pro-slavery people are abandoning the territory in hordes because they have given up the game; and the free-State people who are streaming in already outnumber them eight to one. Even Pierce is perplexed and would gladly give up the last resource of the slavery party, the legislature of Kansas, if that were possible. Only abolish the test oath, and Kansas is saved. Meantime, there may be a lively skirmish, but the North will not give up Kansas. And the improved conditions came directly after the election of Buchanan. You write: “Such occurrences as the attack upon Sumner will be repeated frequently against the few who still retain the courage to express their opinions in opposition to the victorious party.” Have you, by any chance, read extracts of the debate over the message of President Pierce? When have the Free-Soilers shown themselves more fearless in their attacks and more cutting and unsparing in