Page:Speeches And Writings MKGandhi.djvu/581

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cease to co-operate and advice every Hindu and for th?t matter every one else to cease toco-operate, the moment there was violence actually done, advised or countenanced. I would, therefore, urge upon all speakers the exercise of the greatest restraint under the greatest provocation. There is certainly of victory if firmness is combined with gentle- ness. 'Ihe cause is doomed if anger, hatred, ill-will, reck- lessness, and finally viclence are to reign supreme. I shall resist them all my life even if I should alone. My goal is friendship with the world and I can combine the greatest love with the greatest opposition to wrong.


[Mr. Gandhi's \\holehearted espousal of the Khilafat cause uas- the subject of considerable discussion in the early stages of the movement. In ansuer to numerous letters from his countrjmen and from abroad, Mr. Gandhi explained in an article in his Young India, of April 28, 1920, the reason why he joined the Khilafat movement: ]

An esteemed South African fiiend who is at present living in England has written to me a letter from which I make the follow ing excerpts :

" You uill doubtless remember having met me in South Africa at the time when the Fev. J. J, Doke\\as assisting you in your campaign there and I subsequently returned to England deeply im- pressed vith the Tightness of your attitude in that country. During the months before var I wrote and lectured and spoke on your be- haU in: several places \\hich 1 do not regret. Since returning from military service, however, I have noticed from the papers that you

appear to be adopting a more militant attitude I notice a

report in the Times that you are assisting and countenancing a union between the Hindus and Moslems uith a view of embarrass

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