Page:Speeches and addresses of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.djvu/443

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Masonic Institution for Girls, 340
Maxwell, Sir J. Heron, 177
Mayors, Meeting of 200, 311
McArthur, M.P., Sir William, 211
Mechi, Mr., 180
Medical Benevolent College, The
Royal, 150
Congress, The International, 218
Kegister, The English, 218
M. de Lessops, Presentation of the
Albert Gold Medal to, 103
Mercers' Company, Freedom of the,
Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum,
Opening of New Dining Hall, 39
Taylors' School, at, 163
Mersey Tunnel, Opening of the, 286
Middle and the Inner Temple, at the
Opening of the New Library, 152
Milne, Sir A., 121
Morley, Samuel, f>24
Morrison, Lady, 40
Motley, Mr., U.S. Minister, 80
Miinster, Count, 166
Murchison, Sir Eoderick, 12
Museum of Science and Art of Dublin,
Music, Free Education in, 396
, Free Scholarships, 393
, Inauguration of the Eoyal Col-
lege of, 408
, National Training School for, 391
, Royal Academy of, 392
, Scheme for the College of, 396
, The Colonies and College of, 403
, The Power of, 414
, The Royal College of, 389
Napier of Magdala, Lord, 283, 379
National Training School for Music,
Newcastle, Duke of, 7
Nightingale, Florence, 324 .
Nile Expedition, 332
Norfolk Agricultural Society, 132
Norfolk Artillery Militia, 135
North Breakwater at Holyhead, 203
Xorthbrook Club, The, 238
Lord, 184, 238
Northcote, Sir Stafford, 252
! Norwich Musical Festival, 41
, Opening of Drill Hall, 42
! , Royal Visit to, 41
O'Connell, Daniel, 128
O'Connor, Colonel, 206
Old 46th Regiment, New Colours to,
Orphan Asylum, The London, 315
Owen, Prof. (Sir Richard), 31
Oxford, At, 7
I 1 .
Paget, Sir James, 129, 218, 247
Palmerston, Lord, 12, 26, 258
i Pauper Schools, Review of the Boys of
the, 138
I Peabody Memorial, Unveiling the, 78
Pembroke, Earl of, 125
People's Palace, Laying the foundation
stone of the, 296
Phillips, Sir Benjamin, 79
Phoenix Park, Review at, 23
Playfair, Sir Lyon, 6
Porcelain Works at Worcester, 351
Portland Breakwater, The, 139
Preceptors, The College of, 318
Prince Albert Victor, 195, 371
Prince George of Wales, 195
Prince of Wales, early years of, 1-10
Princess Helena College, 201
Princess of Wales, 9, 351
Probyn, Sir Dighton, K.C.B., V.C., 181
"Prosperity to Ireland," 124
1 Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital,