Page:Spherical Trigonometry (1914).djvu/28

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20. Notation. The letters , , are generally used to denote the angles of a spherical triangle, and the letters , , are used to denote the sides. As in the case of plane triangles, , , and may be used to denote the numerical values of the angles expressed in terms of any unit, provided we understand distinctly what the unit is. Thus, if the angle be a right angle, we may say that , or that , according as we adopt for the unit a degree or the angle subtended at the centre by an arc equal to the radius. So also, as the sides of a spherical triangle are proportional to the angles subtended at the centre of the sphere, we may use , , to denote the numerical values of those angles in terms of any unit. We shall usually suppose both the angles and sides of a spherical triangle expressed in circular measure. (Plane Trigonometry, Art. 20.)

21. In future, unless the contrary be distinctly stated, any arc drawn on the surface of a sphere will be supposed to be an arc of a great circle.

22. Conventional restriction of lengths of sides.[1] In

spherical triangles each side is restricted to be less than a

  1. See Chapter XIX.