Page:Spherical Trigonometry (1914).djvu/42

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These may be considered as the fundamental equations of Spherical Trigonometry: we shall deduce various formulae from them.

45. To express the sine of an angle of a spherical triangle in terms of trigonometrical functions of the sides.

We have



The radical on the right-hand side must be taken with the positive sign, because , , and are all positive, owing to the restrictions of Arts. 22 and 23.

  1. These formulae were discovered by ALBATEGNIUS, who made various applications of them. A demonstration of them is given by EULER (Mémoires de Berlin, 1753). All the other formulae of the spherical triangle may be deduced from them, as was shewn by LAGRANGE; Gauss, also, in an appendix to SCHUMACHER's translation of CARNOT's Géométrie de Position, derives all the other formulae from them (GAUSS, Ges. Werke, vol. IV, p. 401).