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I understand, but he wouldn't. He's the greatest director in the world. He says so himself.

Is he with Invincible?

The girl laughed louder. Really, she remarked, you must come to see me so that I can give you lessons about local celebrities. You'll find, Mr. Deacon, that I'm more frank than the others. They say I'm indiscreet. I suppose I am. Anyway I must tell you all about us. You see we're all supposed to be international and it hurts when people don't recognize us.

I hope I didn't hurt you, Ambrose protested.

Really, Mr. Deacon, you are too delicious, Capa Nolin cried. I just can't laugh any more. You couldn't hurt me. I don't take anything out here seriously, not even myself. You see, she went on soberly, most of the houses out here are made of stucco. You can kick your foot right through them. You can kick your foot through everything else here too. Nothing is real, except the police dogs and the automobiles, and usually those aren't paid for. To be concrete, there are no stenographers at the studios: they're all secretaries.

Ambrose's eyes widened. It's all so extraordinarily different, Miss Nolin.

Different! You'd better believe it is. There's