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were entirely satisfied with this arrangement, to the rear terrace. There, below, on the lawn, a surprising sight met the befuddled eye of Ambrose Deacon. The pool of rich, blue water was brilliantly illuminated with what Ambrose later learned were Klieg lights. Several of the guests were diving and splashing about in the pool. The others sat in canvas lounge-chairs around the border of the water. The band on the terrace was performing Just a Memory.

Herbert Ringrose approached Ambrose.

Well, Deacon, he cried, where's your bathing-suit?

I don't swim, Ambrose explained.

Don't swim! Well, you'll learn how before you leave us. We're taking you around to see Schwarzstein in a week or so, and after you've seen him you'll stay here for ever.

Ambrose looked beyond Ringrose into the twinkling eyes of Auburn Six. Something he saw there reassured him.

Oh, I don't know! he shot back almost jauntily.