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Why, Jaime! Imperia cajoled him.

Eider he goes or I goes. I can see trew de eye of a pin. I know what it is you want!

Mrs. Starling had risen. Don't you dare speak to my daughter like that! she cried.

Shut up, Mama! Imperia commanded. Mrs. Starling obediently subsided into her chair.

The star approached her cicisbeo.

What's got into you, eh? she cried.

I see your schemes trew, he shouted. You wants him. It's all applecake dis Schwarzstein fuss. What you bring him to de house for? Why? He goes or I goes!

His eyes blazed with fury. So, it may be added, did those of Imperia Starling. Promptly she smashed the sticks of a fan that had once been the property of Marie Antoinette over the unhappy foreigner's head.

You go and damn quick! she screamed.

You impertinent puppy! Lounge lizard! Mama found the courage to hurl at him.

Jaime cowered before this concentrated attack. You don't mean, Imperia, he implored, you don't mean?

I do mean! Her eyes roved, apparently seeking an