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Ambrose rose to face Imperia Starling, Herbert Ringrose, and a Los Angeles policeman.

Now, I'd like to know what all this is about! shouted Jack.

It was Ringrose who replied. Don't get excited, he said. Let's talk this over together quietly.

And who the devil are you? Jack cried.

Who are you? Ringrose demanded in turn.

You'll find out soon enough, Jack replied.

The California policeman grinned. Imperia sank into a chair and appeared to be ready to weep.

Addressing Ambrose, Ringrose adopted a more conciliatory tone. Imperia's done something very foolish, very foolish indeed, he was saying, but it was meant for your good and so I hope you'll forgive her. Imperia's impulsive and we all have to forgive her sometimes.

Imperia was weeping softly. It was perhaps characteristic of her that she could still inquire of Ambrose: How could you do it?

How could you do it? Jack demanded of her savagely. Then, turning to Ringrose. What in hell has she done?

Ambrose felt grateful that he had at last found a sympathetic and forceful mouthpiece.

Imperia was determined that Mr. Deacon should