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Hallam, star director for L.L.B. I was thrilled, but I didn't show it.

I hear you hate pictures, Miss Ford, he said.

I never said that, Mr. Hallam, I replied. I admire pictures very much. I enjoy going to see them. What I said was that I would never act in pictures.

Why not? I hardly seen a face so right for the screen. Let's make a test of you.

Never! I cried with as much indignation as I could assume.

Well, well, he replied, will you dance with me?

That, Mr. Hallam, I'd be delighted to do.

He danced very badly, but I didn't mind that. You can't expect a man who knows so much about screen values to be able to control his feet properly. When we returned to the table I invited him to sit down. He urged me to reconsider my decision. I pleasantly but firmly refused. Why not a test anyhow? he pleaded. I replied that I couldn't see any sense in making a test since I had no intention of going into pictures. But, he protested, if you're all wet as screen material I'll rest easy. If I don't get a test I'll always mourn your loss. We argued for some time. Finally I allowed myself to be persuaded, assuring him at the same time that I was only doing it to please him and