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I'll swim half way to Honolulu in your reflected glory, but they wouldn't let me enter the race under my own name.

You mean to say . . . ?

I mean to say you're a piker if you back out of this. All you have to do is to collect the jack. Leave the rest to me.

I can't do it. Ambrose spoke as firmly as he possibly could do.

Aw, see here now, don't sell me out. Lawrence was becoming impassioned.

There ought to be an alternative. I don't like your scheme at all. You know this is your idea that you have sold, not mine.

It might have been, pleaded Lawrence. It could have been. I tell you a bimbo like Imperia Starling could think it up. It's what they want. Please, say you're back of me.

Well, you accept the money then.

Now, you're talking. You consent?

Under those conditions.

It was Philip Lawrence's turn to become obstinate.

I say, he cried, Jack Story would never hang a pal up like this. How in hell can you take all this business so seriously? Haven't you got a sense of humour? Can't you see it's your name that the firm and Philip