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. . . She lifted her arms and a myriad of bracelets jangled against her elbows.

What a retrenches might be, Ambrose hadn't the slightest notion. He silently awaited enlightenment.

I ask him what he means and he tells me that my contract runs out in three months. Then he will ask me to take a cut, to renew for five thousand. Worse! He ask me to do this now! Never! I cry. And now he cannot, but in three months, yes. So I go to L.L.B. That is where you come in.

I come in!

Yes, you. At the moment you have great power at L.L.B. You can ask what you please and you get it, isn't it? And who was it who discovered your talent for pictures? Who brought you to Hollywood?

Ambrose knew the answers to these questions. You did, he admitted.

Well, for me then, you must do this. You must say, My next picture is for Imperia Starling. You must tell them to engage me. They will be delighted, because they want me for a long time, isn't it, but they do not dream I will go to them.

But I may not do another picture!

You will do another picture. Who brought you here? Who recognized your great talent for writing scenarios? Imperia Starling. Who made Jaime leave