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cartridge belts, and innumerable civilian guests, male and female, in elaborately correct evening attire, wandered about.

Ambrose whisperingly questioned Philip Lawrence: How did your circus girl get into this set?

Philip whispered back: Oh, didn't I tell you? We dropped the circus. Hallam objected that circuses had been overdone. This is your third and best idea.

Ambrose was really growing up. What is my third idea? he inquired blandly.

As Philip paused to light a cigarette before replying, a voice cried: Hey there, you angels, switch those ashcans to the right.

is now a Russian spy employed by the Tsar, Lawrence explained. Really, Auburn in boy's clothes.

But . . .

Oh, she's a girl all right. In this scene she works without whiskers. I had to put her in trousers occasionally to justify the title. That's a wow of a title you thought up, by the way. That alone would sell the picture.

Switch those broads and get that baby off the prop wagon over on this lens louse.

Aside from the electricians who seemed to be obeying orders addressed to them in early Czecho-