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Wilhelmina. She had seen to that. At first she had attacked him by telephone with requests that he escort her hither and thither. It was not long before he felt sufficiently comfortable with her to assume the initiative. Never, however, was he quite easy under her banter. It would be more exact to say that he was never quite certain when she was serious and when she was spoofing. One day she would assure him that the films were all her life and ambition. Another, that they were but a stepping-stone to a career of quite another kind. It was not seldom, either, that she referred to the possibility of becoming his wife. He found this joke embarrassing. Nevertheless constant association with this lovely girl had brought to him the realization that he would miss her if she went out of his life.

One day they motored to Santa Barbara and lunched at El Mirasol.

At table Wilhelmina demanded: Ambrose, aren't you ever going to take me seriously?

But, Billie, you know my trouble is I always take you too seriously.

I mean when I propose to you.

You never have.

I'm always proposing to you. You're the only man I've ever considered marrying.