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be of great assistance to him in solving them. Besides, indubitably she was extremely pretty.

Mr. Deacon, will you ever forgive me? Abel Morris inquired penitently, extending his hand.

Ambrose clasped the proffered hand and replied. It was a natural mistake. Then he passed the box of Meridiana Kohinoors.

Abel Morris stared at the box in amazement.

My God, he exclaimed, where did you get these? Do you know how much they cost?

Inexplicably, Georgiana chose this moment to burst into tears.

I hate you both! she avowed, as she rushed from the room.

For the next few days Ambrose existed practically in a state of trance. Naturally there were innumerable things to do, but they all seemed to get done somehow without his making an effort. He scarcely saw Georgiana at all. She was too fully occupied in arranging her trousseau for a wedding which had been set exactly one week ahead from the night when Abel Morris had pointed a revolver at Ambrose's heart. His prospective father-in-law spent a good deal of time with him, so apologetic about his awkward behaviour that he seemed somewhat silly,