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17. Note.—(Then taking a small sample piece of Spirella between the fore-finger and thumb of the left hand, bend it tightly over the end of the thumb, quickly letting go, allowing it to spring back to shape. You will notice by your sample that Spirella has greater resistance when bending in one way than when bending it the other. One side is more concave than the other. When showing Spirella always bend it in the direction of the greater resistance. It is always placed in the corset so as to give the greatest resistance from the body outward. The resisting power in this direction is more than double that of the other direction, and sufficient for the purpose for which it is designed. It is possible to bend it double, break it or twist it out of shape, but not in corset wear.)

Say, "You see Spirella has wonderful properties as a corset stay. It will take a most abrupt curve and spring back into shape, without taking a permanent bend. It will also conform to a curved seam." (Demonstrate this point with a piece of Spirella.)

"These are properties which no other stay possesses to so great a degree. It has greater elasticity and strength than any other stay. Spi­rella is guaranteed unbreakable in corset wear.

18. "THE SPIRELLA COMPANY OFFERS AS A FORFEIT TO DUPLICATE ANY CORSET in which a customer breaks one of the Spirella Stays in actual corset wear within one year from date of purchase, as set forth on the 'Official Guarantee' accompanying every corset sold. The Company also guarantees Spirella Stays to be rust proof. Spirella Stays are plated by our own combination metals process, not previously known. If Spirella should not do what we claim for it, The Company could not make these guarantees.

"Of course, the stay can be broken by using a file or by taking an ax to it. It does not break when put to the severest tests in a corset. The guarantee is of course to give a new corset in case a stay breaks or rusts in the ordinary use for which the corset is intended.

"Does it not appear to you, Mrs. Jefferson, that a corset filled with these stays would be more desirable than any other corset on the market?"

(Here open your Sample Line) saying:

19. "I want to show you a Spirella Corset, which we are offering the ladies of your town, (or city)."

(Select the corset from your samples which you think will suit her form. Hold it where she can see it well. When showing a corset, it is sometimes best to stand facing your customer, drawing the corset around you. In doing this, always place the corset about four inches lower than it is usually worn. It shows off better in this position. A little experi­menting will show you the importance of this suggestion. Explain the special features of the design.)

20. "You see, Mrs. Jefferson, that Spirella Corsets are of the latest pattern. Our Designer has had wide experience as a corset maker, and produces the latest Parisian models, as well as the most up-to-date Ameri­can styles with the skill of a master artist. Corset making is a fine art.