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38. STAINLESS EYELETS AND RUST PROOF STAY.—Explain that we use the best lacers obtainable for the money, and that the eyelets and tips used in our corsets are stainless. Our Spirella, our Clasps and Steels are rust proof. Explain also that Spirella Corsets cannot be ob­tained in the stores; that they are controlled exclusively by our Company and can be obtained only through our regular authorized Representatives.

After you have booked the order, then bring up the subject of material and show samples of the different grades of cloth which we are using in making corsets. Explain the price of each. In taking orders for summer corsets, we suggest that you recommend the thinner grades of cloth, al­though we make a few corsets in net material. We cannot recommend a light Batiste for heavy figures, or in larger sizes than 24.

39. If you wish to emphasize comfort in a corset to a lady, ask her how many hours she spends in her corset yearly. (Of course, this applies only to those who wear their corsets all the time.) If she sleeps eight hours out of every twenty-four, she is wearing her corset 5,840 hours each year. If these figures are pronounced slowly and distinctly, they became mare emphatic and carry more weight.

40. Spirella Corsets are acknowledged by leading physicians and physical directors to be the most healthful corsets on the market. Physi­cians admit that we have overcome the objectionable features in the aver­age corset.

Dr. J. K. Newman, of Omaha, Nebr., writes: "Not until this week did I come in contact with the Spirella Corset. It pleased me so much I want to help you get the knowledge of it into every household where corsets are worn. To this end if it meets your approval, I will send you the name and address of every woman an my books (some 200 or 300), with the privilege of using my name in writing them. Thirty years prac­tice has brought me in contact with many corsets, and their wearers, and no corset has ever satisfied me as your Spirella Boning does. I wish you success."

41. Spirella Corsets do not repress the pit of the stomach or interfere with digestion. Instead of dividing the organs of the chest from those of the abdomen and making an hour-glass of the figure, as the old-time corset did, by pressing in at the waist line, they act as a support to the abdomen when properly adjusted.

The Spirella Stay is so easy and pliable that it does not support the body to the detriment of good, healthful development of the muscles of the abdomen and waist. Neither is there any danger of harm from a broken steel. Our corsets give perfect freedom to the chest and do not interfere with the breathing.

These unequaled features command the unqualified endorsement of physicians everywhere.