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by towns. Make your effort here a strenuous one, for much depends upon its outcome.

46. After you have secured one or two influential names, have these ladies give you cards of introduction to their friends.

We give below a good form to use in an introductory card. The words in script are to be written on your card by party introducing you.

To Mrs Ira V. Jones,

Address No 49 The Terrace.

This will introduce to you
Mrs. S. T. Wylie.

Any courtesy extended will be appreciated by

Yours very truly,

Mrs S. M Jefferson.

[NOTE.—We furnish the above introductory card printed in blank. 500 for 75c.]

This system is to be carried out especially among the most influential people of the city—those most difficult to approach. When the lady comes to the door, ask:

"Is this Mrs. James?"

If she says it is, present your card of introduction, and say:

"Mrs. Wilie, introduced by Mrs. Jefferson."

If a maid comes to the door present your card of introduction, saying pleasantly that you wish to see Mrs. James.

This method well carried out will take you into the best homes.

It can be used but not so effectively among a class of people not so formal. There is a large middle class of polite people who can best be approached by the method outlined in Section 3.

47. THE BEST DRESSMAKERS WILL GLADLY INTRODUCE YOU to their customers by use of this card system. It is well when starting in a new city to cultivate the best dressmakers and secure their co-opera­tion in this way. It is sometimes necessary to make one or two of the best dressmakers a present of a corset for their personal wear, and so win their hearty co-operation, which will be worth to you several times the cost of the corset, especially if they will make out cards for you to all