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great value to you. Besides you buy a corset primarily for the purpose of giving you the proper style of figure and do you not want that corset to preserve that style as long as possible?"


"The Spirella Corset is the only corset made which has really un­breakable stays, gives perfect freedom and ease to the wearer, and pre­serves the original style of the corset until worn out. This comfort and preservation of style are due to the Spirella Stay, which is very yielding, but which neither breaks nor takes a permanent bend. Surely you can see greater value in Spirella than in any other corset you can buy."

78. "I don't care to have my corsets wear too long, as they become soiled I prefer two or three cheaper corsets to one expensive corset."

"If you could obtain the same comfort and were assured that the cheap corsets were as conducive to strength and health, your argument would be good, but you know they are not.

"You do not follow that rule in the purchase of other garments, do you, Mrs. ———? Would not that line of argument lead you to buy shoes at one dollar a pair or even buy a low-priced, showy dress so that you might have several new pairs of shoes or several new dresses instead of one? You buy a good pair of shoes or a good dress because you know you are getting a better value for the price paid. The same law will apply to the corset."

"Yes; but a corset will soil with wear, and for that reason I prefer two or three low-priced corsets to one high-priced"

"That argument might hold good with most corsets, but do you realize, Mrs. ———, that the Spirella Corset can be washed and laundered the same as any other garment. You can have a clean, fresh corset every week if you want to.

Mrs. A. C. Andrews, of Oakland, Calif., who has been handling the Spirella business practically ever since The Company started, says: "It gives me pleasure to meet my customers the second time and hear the good reports about Spirella Corsets. One lady said: 'I'm making money by wearing Spirella, for before I got it, it cost me $2.75 every six weeks for corsets.' My customers say they will never wear any other if they can get Spirella. They pronounce it healthful because the ventilation is better, they can wash it (or scrub it, rather) and it retains the shape, does not rust and is just as comfortable as at first. The one I have on has been washed and boiled twice, and I am going to wash it again, starch and iron it and put it with my samples to exhibit to the public. When I take it off at night it is as straight as a new corset."

79. "Would rather have two corsets which cost $1.00 to $1.50 each, than to put the same amount into one corset."