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"By this statement you prove to me that you do not fully appreciate the merits of Spirella. I am sure you would not buy a whalebone corset if you could buy it for half the price of a Spirella Corset. But you cannot buy a full whalebone corset for less than $10.00.

"Furthermore, there is not the same comfort and ease in a whalebone corset that there is in Spirella. It does not retain its shape like Spirella, and after it has been worn a few weeks the heat from the body and pres­sure cause it to take the shape of the wearer, spoiling the style of the corset. Whalebone becomes brittle after wearing a while and breaks—Spirella does not break."

Mrs. M. ——, of McCloud, Calif., writes: "I have always worn a good, high-priced corset, but never found comfort, durability and fit so thoroughly combined until I found the Spirella Corset. I will never wear any other if I can get this."

84. "Spirella seems too easy. Don't believe it will support the body sufficiently."

"Spirella to-day is supporting and satisfying many women weighing over 200 lbs. It gives the body all the support that is consistent with hygiene and good health. The rigid, unyielding corset which supports the body in an armor-like fashion, is never healthful.

"The strength of the muscles which God has given you, well devel­oped, is all you need to support your body. Any unnatural support or pressure given the bust or waist line is weakening and contrary to the laws of health. What you need in a corset is a garment to fit your form per­fectly and give you the grace and style which nature intended you should possess. It is not the stay that supports the figure but the cut of the garment.

"You want corset stays that are comfortable and will not break. Spirella fills the requirement and is all that can be desired. It will not vary from the original shape and it will outwear any corset on the market.'

85. CLOSING.—"Don't you think, Mrs. ——, that we are really offering you a great deal more for the money than you have yet received in any corset you have purchased? You are paying twice as much for a Spirella Corset as you have been in the habit of paying, let us say, but you are getting three or four times the wear, you are getting a better figure, a better corset over which to fit your dresses, you are getting a corset that retains its shape at all times, a corset that can be laundered when soiled. and back of it you are getting a guarantee that the Spirella Stay will not break nor rust in regular corset wear within one year from the time of purchase. If The Company did not know the merits of Spirella, it would not make this guarantee. On the whole, Mrs. ———, do you not regard Spi­rella as a cheap corset rather than a dear one, if the claims I make for it can be established?"

"I certainly do."