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Do not skip around, working here one day and there another. By so doing, you lose the influence of orders already secured, and you also make extra work in delivery. Do not overlook the value of a good list of names, a good list of orders in this work. People are influenced by what others do, and if your order book shows that you have a goodly number of cus­tomers the list will help in securing others.

Always carry a note book with you, making note of prospective customers who are absent, and call again. If a customer cannot order to-day, make a future appointment and after having interviewed the lady do not hesitate to ask her to refer you to friends of hers. All of these points help materially in future work.

WORK STEADILY EVERY DAY. DO NOT LET ANYTHING INTERFERE. WORK AS YOU WOULD HAVE TO WERE YOU WORKING FOR SOME ONE ELSE. Some work too rapidly; others perhaps not rapidly enough. But the tendency is, especially with be­ginners, to run over too much territory. GIVE EVERYBODY AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE WHAT YOU HAVE.

109. You are in the corset business and not a politician or reformer. You will meet many people who will want to talk with you and detain you. Do not let them do so, and keep the discussion of politics and re­ligion separate from your work.

You will find that a great many people will tell you that they would like to help you out. Always thank them very kindly for their interest, but gently give them to understand that you are not in need of charity. In doing this you will put them in a position where you can deal with them and get their orders much more readily than you could were you to appeal to their sympathies.


How To Order Goods.

110. STANDARD ORDER BLANKS.—Every Local Representative should keep a supply of our Standard Order Blanks on hand and always use them when sending orders to the house. Begin by filling out each blank space on the first page of the order Blank, taking great care to write out plainly and fully the shipping directions, including the Express Com­pany by which you desire the goods to arrive. Give full name and address of each purchaser arranged in alphabetical order. Mark down style, ma­terial, color and size of each corset desired. Give everything requested in full and verify your Order Sheet with your Order Book. Do not use a Special and Custom Order Blank when a Standard Corset is wanted. Keep a copy of every order sent us for your reference.