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The delivery should be handled systematically and with dispatch, that no time go to waste. Never show the least misgiving; act as though you expected your customer to be prompt and ready to take her corset.

131. When your customer presents herself, say in a pleasant but enthusiastic manner:

"Good morning (or afternoon) Mrs. Spencer. Always call her by name.) Of course you remember me. I have brought you that fine Spirella Corset."

Here unwrap her corset and hand it to her quickly, saying:

"All to whom I have delivered are more than delighted with their corsets. Mrs. Dr. Nelson said she would not take four times what she paid for her corset if she could not buy another just like it."

You will soon be able to make remarks similar to the above about several of your customers. Keep up a lively flow of talk, but as a rule do not take a seat. Remain standing as though you expected her to go at once for the money as soon as she has looked at her corset.

132. If she does not start for her pocket-book in due time, open your Order Book and cross off her order as being delivered, saying:

"What were your initials?"

"Mrs. F. M. Spencer."

"Oh, yes, yours was style --- for which you were to pay $--. I am in quite a hurry this morning, as I have a large delivery to make.

133. TRYING ON THE CORSET.—After she has paid you for her corset you should insist on showing her how to put it on. Tell her while you are considerably hurried, you will take time if she has it, to adjust her corset for her. If she is willing, go about the matter with dispatch. Don't waste time nor tell long stories. Talk to the point. Whether or not she accepts, insist upon her following instructions printed in our circular entitled "How to Adjust the Corset." It is important that you properly adjust each corset when you deliver it. With careful attention to this duty the corsets will give fullest satisfaction and make your customers permanent.

In the first place, be sure that every corset is properly laced. We send with each garment one long lace. Lace from the top of the corset to the waist line, leaving loops at the waist line so that the corset can be adjusted from this point; then lace from the waist line to the bottom of the corset and tie the lacers. See Booklet "How to Adjust the Corset."