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April Ninth.


"Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."Rev. iv. 11.

JUST views of creation, with all its animated scenes, its varied forms of life in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, with the wonders of the mineral, which is as the basis of the two former, can only be acquired from just views of the Creator. Here we may safely assert, that as all creation sprung from Jesus Christ, and for his pleasure, and that in creation we observe an everlastingly renewing freshness; He, therefore, who produced all for his pleasure, must fill such creation with his constant presence, and preserve it by his power. He must hence be a Being infinite in love, infinite in wisdom and power. All creation is, doubtless, a perfect theatre, representative of the love, wisdom, and power of God.

To contemplate creation, we must begin at "the beginning of the creation of God" (Rev. iii. 14), and what is this BEGINNING, but the manifestation of His love by His wisdom and power? In Jehovah, a name expressing the one life or being in whom the past and future are present, are the three essentials of deity—the trinal attributes, love, wisdom, and power. These constitute the ONE DIVINE MAN! the Father, Son, and Spirit—the fulness of Godhead dwelling bodily in the Saviour, whose name is Immanuel—God with us. The proximate sphere of this Man Divine is, in Scripture language, the everlasting light of all the heavens (Isa. lx. 19), the Sun of righteous-