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alone is love; and he is ever before the angels, as the sun of their heavenly world: which way soever they turn, they behold the beaming glories of the divine countenance; and their affections and thoughts being constantly open to receive the blessed influences of his love and light, they bask in a fulness of perfect happiness. Their happiness is not selfish or individual; for, as they have freely received from the great source of all happiness, so they freely communicate to each other. Every single individual forms, as it were, a centre of the delight and felicity of all; and all form the centre of the delight and happiness of each; and this happiness continues to increase, and will increase to all eternity. "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity,"

This blessing—the blessing of life for evermore—is within the reach of all. If we have hitherto neglected a life of love, of charity, of usefulness, now is the time to commence in earnest. Let us vow before the Lord, and pray for constant aid to keep our vow, that, from this time forth, we will avoid strife and contention, and live together as brethren ought. Let us remember, that the present moment is all that man can call his own; and if we would vow to commence the life of love, the best time is now, the best place is here. We cannot with certainty say, We shall be in this world to-morrow, and if we could, the morrow will bring with it its own duties. To secure the blessing of life for evermore, we must have continual strife with evil, and reduce our affections and thoughts to order by the aid of the divine truth. When the brethren within are united, the brethren without are sure to dwell in the same holy bond · their union is