Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/104

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go Praper for Monday Morning.

All that he can desire in time; all that will minister to his improvement and happiness to all eternity.

Are we hungry and thirsty after righteousness? Thy Word satisfies us. Are we beset by spiritual enemies? Thy Word is a panoply of strength, and contains a complete armoury of spiritual weapons. Are we oppressed by sickness and disease? Thy Word is our great physician, and the leaves of the tree of life are offered unto us for the healing of all our diseases. And if we be in poverty, the mine of wealth which the treasury of Thy truth contains is inexhaustible. O may we love Thy Word; may it be dearer to us than thousands of gold and silver! As we this day have experienced its blessedness, may we feel grateful that new strength has been added unto us, and as we now retire to rest, may we rise again with increased energy, to walk in the way of Thy commandments, and to observe and do all which Thou hast commanded.

Our Father, &e,

Monday Morning.

O THOU who art the Creator of the universe, we would draw near to Thee in humble love, and commence the duties of another week of labour, by imploring Thy Divine blessing upon it.

Thy Word reveals Thee as the fountain of life, health, and joy to the inhabitants of all the worlds that revolve in the immensity of space. Thou openest Thine hand, and they are filled with good; Thy bounty is universal, vast, and free; and when we