Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/111

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Thursday Morning.

O LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, protected and preserved by Thy providence, and refreshed by the sleep of the past night, we offer our thanksgivings unto Thee, our King and our God. Put Thy fear in our hearts, we beseech Thee, and let it be constantly before our eyes, that we may turn aside from beholding vanity, and be quickened in every good and virtuous work. As we know not the dangers to which we may be exposed this day, teach us to walk humbly and circumspectly before Thee, having confidence in the superintendence of Thy providence, and putting away anxiety and gloomy forebodings, committing our way unto Thee, satisfied that Thou canst overrule all things for our ultimate happiness.

Imbue us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, with forbearance towards all who may have injured us, and in everything may we strive to overcome evil with good. Fill our hearts with new desires for goodness, and help us to love one another as Thou hast loved us. Assist us to be upright and sincere in all our actions. If we are under the authority of others, may we do our duty willingly, and with a single eye; or if Thou place us in authority over others, may we be just and equitable, patient under the provocations to which we may be subjected, and act constantly upon Thy Divine advice, "Overcome evil with good."

Help us to discharge all our duties with faithfulness; and unto Thee will we ascribe all the glory, for ever.

Our Father, &c.