Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/113

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Friday Morning.

O LORD our Saviour, Thou art the true and only God, there is none else beside Thee. Unto Thee we look, unto Thee prefer our petitions: hear us, we beseech Thee, and answer us from Thy high and holy place. As a family, protected by Thy power, enriched by Thy love, and preserved by Thy providence, we offer unto Thee our humble tribute of praise and thanksgiving. The returning light bears witness unto us of Thy never-failing goodness. There is nothing that we can do in return for all Thy mercies; all Thou requirest of us is, "to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly" with Thee; and Thou leavest us not to our own strength, even in this, but art near at all times to help and strengthen us. As the day we are now entering upon brings with it its own trials and temptations, O assist us to be watchful against the snares our spiritual enemies may set. Help us to keep a bridle upon our tongue, that we sin not with our lips; and aid us to watch against the impure risings of our affections, that we may keep our hearts with all diligence. When mingling with the world and engaging in its duties, preserve us, we beseech Thee, from the snares of unrighteous gain; let not sin have dominion over us, but in all things may we be just; and keep in remembrance that Thou, Lord, seest us, and wilt reward us according to the cleanness of our hands. Our Father, &c.