Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/119

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October First.


"And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."Gen. i. 31.

WHEN we read the Book of Genesis we should endeavour, in making ourselves acquainted with the history, to learn its true import and spiritual meaning, and above all things, strive to make an application of its spirit to our individual condition. For this end was the Word of God given unto us, and to this end it should at all times be applied.

What is recorded on the sixth day of creation by Moses, the Lord has been saying and doing, and will continue to say and do to all eternity. He is the source of life and blessedness! "we cannot live a single moment but from Him!" And this life He sends forth continually, so that "we live, and move, and have our being" in Him!

(1.) The Lord gives the life that animates our corporeal frame, and though, when infants, we know nothing of this, it is certain we cannot live a moment but from Him; nay, even in the fœtal state this is the case. The heart, very simple in its functions, gradually increases in complexity as it is nourished by blood received from the mother; and blood is to the body