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supplied to the corporeal, sensual, natural, rational, spiritual and celestial man, and then are we prepared for the Sabbath of Rest in glory—the divine image and likeness is formed in us, and everything is pronounced to be very good.

We are thus instructed that the principles of man's life previous to regeneration, however excellent they may appear to be, are yet defective if they are not acknowledged as being derived from the Lord. He is the life of all. When this acknowledgment is made from the heart, then what was before good, becomes VERY GOOD; it is acceptable to the Lord, and blessed as well as BENEFICIAL to man.

October Second.


"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."Gen. ii. 1.

THE first eleven chapters of Genesis do not so much treat of the physical creation, as of that which is moral, spiritual, and celestial. Theologians have trembled for the integrity of the Scriptures, and are still trembling, as the truths of science evolve themselves. Galileo was persecuted of old for declaring the true system of the universe: and geologists, for proving how much greater is the antiquity of the earth than that which commentators have assigned to it, are numbered with the sceptics. There is no necessity for this. God is truth. His word is spiritual, and to understand its meaning, we must view it